Conchita Carpio-Morales (Ombudsman at Ombudsman of the Philippines)

Conchita Carpio-Morales

Ombudsman at Ombudsman of the Philippines

Upon her retirement as Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the Republic of the Philippines, Justice Conchita Carpio Morales was appointed as Ombudsman of the Republic of the Philippines in late July 2011. Her appointment was announced by President Benigno S. Aquino III during his second State of the Nation Address in July 2011, making her the fifth Ombudsman since the Office of the Ombudsman became operational in May 1988.

Michael Aguinaldo (Chairperson at Commission on Audit)

Michael Aguinaldo

Chairperson at Commission on Audit

Commission on Audit (COA) Chairperson Michael G. Aguinaldo was appointed to head the Supreme Audit Institution on March 24, 2015. Chairperson Aguinaldo is a lawyer with extensive legal, governance and administration expertise acquired from 23 years of professional work as private law practitioner, government official and professor.

Prior to his appointment to COA, Chairperson Aguinaldo was the Deputy Executive Secretary for Legal Affairs of the Office of the President, handling formulation of operational policies, standards and processes for efficient and effective provision of legal and legislative assistance and services to the organizational units of the Office of the President and the different departments and government agencies.

Abdul Hamid Abdullah (Executive Advisor at Straits Interactive Pte Ltd)

Abdul Hamid Abdullah

Executive Advisor at Straits Interactive Pte Ltd

Mr. Abdul Hamid Bin Abdullah is a Certified Information Systems Auditor (CISA), a Charterd Accountant of Singapore (CA Singapore) and a Fellow of the Institute of Internal Auditors (FIIA) Singapore. He has recently retired from an audit director’s role with 35 years of public sector audit experience. His professional knowledge and work experiences include IT audits of public sector organisations.

He is a Past President of the Information Systems Audit and Control Association (ISACA) Singapore Chapter and a Past International Vice-President, ISACA Board of Directors and the IT Governance Institute. He is also an adjunct lecturer in the Institute of Systems Science, National University of Singapore.

Leonardo Matignas, Jr. (Partner & Chief Risk Officer at SyCip Gorres Velayo & Co.)

Leonardo Matignas, Jr.

Partner & Chief Risk Officer at SyCip Gorres Velayo & Co.

Leonardo J. Matignas, Jr. is a Partner of SyCip Gorres Velayo & Co. (a member practice of Ernst & Young) and its Chief Risk Officer, Head of Risk Services and ASEAN Risk Management Leader. He holds a Bachelor of Science in degree in Commerce, magna cum laude, from San Sebastian College and completed his Masters in Management Degree from the University of Phoenix, Arizona, USA. He has also completed Management Development Program at the Asian Institute of Management.

Dr. Nurdin Nurdin (Deputy Chairman for the Supervision of Economic and Maritime Agencies at Financial and Development Supervisory Board of the Republic of Indonesia)

Dr. Nurdin Nurdin

Deputy Chairman for the Supervision of Economic and Maritime Agencies at Financial and Development Supervisory Board of the Republic of Indonesia

Dr. Nurdin is currently the eputy Chairman of BPKP for the Supervision of Economic and Maritime Agencies,
the Financial and Development Supervisory Board of the Republic of Indonesia (BPKP).

He got his doctoral degree in 2016 at the University of Padjadjaran (UNPAD), Bandung, Indonesia and MBA in 1993 at Saint Mary’s University, Halifax, Canada.

BGen Nicolas Ojeda Jr. (Philippine Councillor at ASEAN Chief Information Officer Council)

BGen Nicolas Ojeda Jr.

Philippine Councillor at ASEAN Chief Information Officer Council

Brigadier General Nicolas D Ojeda Jr is currently the Philippine Councillor of the ASEAN Chief Information Officer (CIO) Council of the ASEAN Chief Information Officer Association. Previous to his current designation, he was Deputy Executive Director for Cybersecurity and Operations of the Information and Communications Technology Office (ICTO), the precursor of the Department of Information and Communication Technology.

Jesus Carlos Villasenor (Chairman & CEO of Procurement and Supply Institute of Asia (PASIA))

Jesus Carlos Villasenor

Chairman & CEO of Procurement and Supply Institute of Asia (PASIA)

Charlie Villasenor is known as a procurement logistics and supply chain management icon in Asia for his advancement of ethics excellence and enablement in supply management.