Internal Auditors have an admirable story to tell, one that deserves to be told often and in the right places. Through reports internal auditors have an opportunity to get management's complete attention. That is how auditors should regard reporting–as an opportunity, not dreary drudgery–a perfect occasion to show management how auditors can help and add value to the organization.
Much too often, auditors clearly throw away this golden chance to open management what they have accomplished and what they can accomplish, to explain what management needs to know and what it needs to know. Therefore internal auditors should regard reports in the same light that a salesman regards an opportunity to present his or her products: an opening for a well–rehearsed, well–tested, well–conceived presentation.
Focus & Features:
In this course, participants will learn and apply skills in writing effective audit reports through team exercises, group discussions, case studies and lectures.
The course is designed for Internal Auditors, Internal Audit Supervisors, Managers and Chief Audit Executives who need to equip themselves with skills in writing effective audit reports.
After completion:
What You Will Learn
Many sections of this course are based on group exercises where participants are expected to participate actively.
The audit report writing process
The value of the internal audit report
How to gather and organize data for audit report
How to choose appropriate report formats and style
Writing to inform
Writing to persuade
How to organize and present audit findings, conclusion & recommendations
How to review and edit audit reports
Who Should Attend
The seminar is ideal for junior auditors, senior auditors and internal audit supervisors who need to equip themselves with skills in communicating audit results.