Focus & Features

For more than 40 years, The Certified Internal Auditor® (CIA®) designation has been the only globally accepted certification for internal auditors and continues to set the standard by which individuals demonstrate their professionalism in the internal auditing field. Candidates leave the program enriched with educational experience, applicable knowledge, and business tools that deliver a positive impact in any organization or business environment. Join the ranks of more than 160,000 auditing professionals who have earned the "Global Mark of Excellence in Internal Auditing" through the Certified Internal Auditor (CIA) designation.

The CIA Certification Seminars is a milestone program of the Institute of Internal Auditors – Philippines. You can count on this premiere designation to:

▪ Invigorate and reinforce your understanding of Internal Auditing.

▪ Mould you into a valuable adviser of management.

▪ Develop your knowledge of best practices in the industry.

▪ Provide you long-term value and credibility as an Internal Auditor.

And be among the 2,013Filipinos enjoying the CIA designation and who made it to the ranks of CIA exam awardees worldwide!

The Truth of the Matter!

▪ In recognition of the Institute's performance in the global CIA examination, the Asian Confederation of Institutes of Internal Auditors (ACIIA) has granted IIA-P the recognition as the region's Centre for Excellence in Certification.

▪ To date, the Philippines produced 5 gold medalists, 1 silver medallist, 1 bronze medallist (for Students), 18 top ten rankers (Certificate of Excellence), and 60 top fifty placers (Certificate of Honour).

Who Should Attend?

Internal auditors, risk management and control specialists, and other assurance professionals who wish to develop and certify their competencies and skills in internal auditing

Presented by

The Centre for Professional Development

Institute of Internal Auditors – Philippines


Free Orientation – January 25, 2020

Part 1 – March 5 to 7, 2020

Part 2 – March 20 to 21, 2020

Part 3 – April 23 to 25, 2020

Fees: (VAT included)

Part 1 – Php 12,000 (Member) Php 14,000 (Non-Member) IPPF Included

Part 2 – Php 10,000 (Member) Php 12,000 (Non-Member)

Part 3 – Php 12,000 (Member) Php 14,000 (Non-Member)

Package Rate: Php 30,000 (Member) Php 36,000 (Non-Member) IPPF Included


Diamond Suites and Residences
Apitong Street 8
Cebu City, Central Visayas, Philippines

See route

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