Focus & Features
Digital transformation, single sign-on, block-chain. These are just some information technology (IT) initiatives implemented by various companies. To some extent, they are used as marketing tools to build trust with customers.
With the ever increasing complexities in IT, IT risks have become more and more challenging to manage. Regulators, government agencies and various stakeholders demand that Companies implement robust IT risk management commensurate to its operating environment. As internal auditors, we are challenged to understand the intricacies of IT risk management and how we can add greater value.
What You Will Learn
IT Risk Identification
IT Risk Assessment
IT Risk Response
IT Risk and Control Monitoring and Reporting
Group works are expected on which internal auditors will be asked to develop audit programs on how to audit sections of IT risk management.
Who Should Attend
This seminar is ideal for IT or Integrated Auditors (Operational and Performance) at all levels.
This will help them understand better how IT risk management works in order to cover it as one of the auditable units