Focus & Features

As industries develop and find new ways to efficiently conduct business, array of questions on environmental, social as well as governance impact are rising. The growing attention given to Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) by external and internal stakeholders paved the way for Internal Audit to re-assess the risks and its coverage.

This training aims to expand the knowledge of the participants regarding ESG, understand the roles and responsibilities of Management, and identify the most common risk areas that would help in identifying and executing the audit universe and plan, respectively.

The main objectives of this training are to:

  1. Provide participants with high-level understanding of ESG.
  2. Understand the role of Management in ESG.
  3. Provide participants with knowledge on the role of IA in assessing ESG landscape.
  4. Identify the common risk areas for ESG.
  5. Understand the most common areas of audit.

Number of CPE units: 3

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Virtual set-up/via Zoom

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For additional event or venue information, please email training@iia-p.orgYou can also reach us at +63 9409551

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