Focus & Features

The Incident Management Audit Checklist is a comprehensive tool designed to evaluate the effectiveness and efficiency of your organization's incident management processes. It covers all key areas, including incident reporting, investigation, analysis, response, and communication.

Learning Objective(s):

  • Have a working knowledge of the IT Incident Management process.
  • Be able to distinguish effective IT Incident Management processes from ineffective ones.
  • Understand that effective IT Incident Management hinges on implementing preventive, detective, and corrective controls, including the appropriate segregation of duties and adequate management supervision.
  • Be in a position to recommend the best practices for addressing these issues, both for assurance that controls mitigate risks and for increasing effectiveness and efficiency.

What You Will Learn


  • Problem vs Incident
  • Benefits
  • Process

Incident Management Process

  • Identification
  • Categorization
  • Prioritization
  • Resolution and Closure
  • Roles and Responsibilities

COBIT Requirements

  • Incident Management

Optimized Incident Management

  • Early On-going Identification
  • Organized and Systematic Work
  • Team Training
  • Task Automation
  • Engagement Communication
  • Leveraging on Tools
  • Metrics Reporting

Course Summary

Who Should Attend

The seminar would benefit a cross-functional audience to ensure a comprehensive understanding of incident management strategies, their impact on IT operations, and how to minimize disruption effectively.

IT Managers and Team Leaders: Those responsible for overseeing IT operations and incident response within their teams.

Number of CPE units: 7

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Virtual set-up/via Zoom

See route

Contact us

For additional event or venue information, please email training@iia-p.orgYou can also reach us at +63 9409551

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