A Country with a population of more than 100 million and a huge labor force, Philippine Companies should ensure compliance with the labor practices and rules established to protect the welfare of both the employers and employees. As an auditor, it is our responsibility that the Company adheres with these rules and practices to prevent labor cases, fines and penalties.

Focus & Features:

This seminar will enable you to have and understanding on the standards, the mindset, and the best practices and techniques in auditing various HR processes in your Company.

What Will You Learn:

The program will cover the following:

Hiring, Recruitment and Selection,

  • Means of obtaining talents (website, recruitment agencies, recruitment portals, etc.),
  • Hiring Selection Process (Written, Oral examinations),
  • Employee Background Checks,
  • Employment Contract Preparation,
  • Compliance with the Company's Salary Structure,
  • Adherence to Pre-employment checklists,
  • On-boarding procedures (training, orientation, other requirements, etc.)

Promotions, Inter-Departmental Transfers and Demotions,

  • Performance Appraisals,
  • Personnel Movement Forms (Promotions, Transfers, Demotions).

Payroll, Statutory Contributions, Medical and Other Benefits,

  • Timekeeping policies, procedures and monitoring,
  • Variables used in computing for your gross pay (basic pay, overtime pay, night differential, special holiday pay, legal holiday pay, etc.),
  • Deductions (HDMF, SSS, Withholding tax, Philhealth, Loans from government agencies and Employee Cooperative),
  • Employer Contributions,
  • Remittance of Government Contributions (Employer and Employee),
  • Computing for tardiness,
  • Service Incentive Leaves vs. Company Leaves (Sick Leaves, Vacation Leaves, Paternity Leaves, etc.),
  • Basic tax requirements (BIR form 1601C, BIR Form 2307 [Monthly], BIR form 2316, 1604CF: Alphalist, etc.),
  • HMOs and other Health Benefits,
  • Letter of Instruction (LOI) to banks,
  • Employee Payslips.

Employee Relations and Grievances, and

  • Formal Grievance Process,

Employee Resignations, Retrenchments, Redundancy, Retirements or Terminations.

  • Separation Triggers to Pertinent Department Heads,
  • Cessation of Employment Procedures,
  • Last Pay computation, and
  • Quit Claim form.

Who Should Attend

This seminar is ideal for junior auditors and audit supervisors who are challenged to complete HR audit engagements in their pertinent industries most especially in the service industry and BPO sector.


St. Giles Hotel, Makati Avenue corner Kalayaan Avenue Makati City Philippines
Makati Avenue corner Kalayaan Avenue
Makati City, Philippines

See route

Contact us

For additional event or venue information, please email training@iia-p.orgYou can also reach us at +63 9409551

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