Focus & Features
One of the many challenging and formidable risk management issues faced by organizations today is protecting the privacy of personal information about customers, employees, and business partners. Consumers are concerned with how businesses and organizations use and protect this information. Business owners and management want to meet the needs and expectations of their customers, business partners, and employees; keep any commitments pursuant to contractual agreements; and comply with applicable data privacy and security laws and regulations. Privacy is a global issue. Many countries like the EU's General Data Protection Regulation, US and Philippines have adopted privacy legislation governing the use of personal information, as well as the export of this information across borders. For businesses to operate effectively in this environment, they need to understand and comply with these privacy laws.
To become an effective Internal Auditor, the main objectives of this training are as follows: 1) Understand why Privacy is important in enforcement activity, incident management and laws, rules and regulations, 2) Understand your obligations and ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations when processing Personal Information and 3) Develop a privacy audit program that will enable you to identify and evaluate the key risks as well as come-up with recommendation on the improvement of your company's privacy compliance program.
Through team exercises, group discussions, case studies, and lectures, attendees will gain a foundation of knowledge that will allow them to properly prepare for and conduct a successful audit of the privacy compliance program.
What You Will Learn
Introduction to Privacy
AICPA Generally Accepted Privacy Principles (GAPP)
Privacy Maturity Model using the GAPP Framework
Engagement Planning
Assessing Risks
Preparing & Performing the Engagement
2. Vulnerability and Penetration Tests
3. Physical Control Tests
4. Social Engineering Tests
Communicating and Monitoring Results
Case Studies
Seminar Conclusion
Plan for Action
Who Should Attend
Data Protection Officers (DPO), Compliance Officers, Information Security Officers, Internal Auditors