The Institute of internal Auditors Philippines, Inc.

The Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) Philippines is a professional organization dedicated to the advancement of the internal audit profession in the country. Our members, who work in internal auditing, risk management, governance, internal control, information technology audit, education and security, came from various industry or sectors in the Philippines and belong to a global network of almost 200,000+ professionals from more than 170 countries and territories sharing a common vision of a global profession of internal auditing.

The Institute of Internal Auditors Philippines Inc. (IIAP) was registered with SEC in 1982 and formerly known as The Institute of Internal Auditors, Inc. – Manila Chapter. It was founded on August 14, 1948 by Mr. Santiago F. Dela Cruz Sr. along with a small group of accountants actively engaged in the profession. Mr. Dela Cruz, who is considered to be the moving spirit of the association, is the same man who, two years earlier than IIAP, co-established the Philippine College of Commerce and Business Administration (PCCBA) which we now know as the University of the East.

The IIAP despite some struggles during its formative years was able to attain full-fledged stature as a professional association upon earning its “Institute” status from The Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA Global) in 1990. At the time, IIAP is 1 of the 6 (six) chapters in the Pacific Region (others were in Bombay, Tokyo, Sydney, Melbourne and Ceylon). On its 75th Anniversary Celebration and Global Business Meeting last 16-17 July 2016 at New York Hilton Midtown, the IIAP was acknowledged as the 3rd Chapter organized by the IIA Global since the latter’s founding in 1941 still then headquartered in New York City, USA

Contact us

Thei Parungao

Event Details

Focus and Features

When working remotely, keep in mind that any records created or received on any device belong to the organization and all records on personal devices are subject to company's records management policy and local laws and regulations. Organizations should create and maintain authentic, reliable and usable records, and protect the integrity of those records for as long as required.

The objectives of this training are as follows:

  • Understand the importance of recordkeeping, and your key recordkeeping responsibilities
  • Be able to distinguish between what is and what is not a company's record
  • Understand when a record should be created, kept, and retained and when it can be lawfully deleted or destroyed
  • Be able to identify the key recordkeeping legislation and standards for the company

Through team exercises, group discussions, case studies, and lectures, attendees will gain a foundation of knowledge that will allow them to properly prepare for an effective and efficient records management.

What You Will Learn

Introduction to Records Management

  • What are records and why they are important?
  • Information records lifecycle
  • Policy and Governance framework
  • What are the main business drivers?
  • Terminology
  • Key Electronic Management concepts

Designing an Effective Records Management Program

  • What is records management program?
  • Creating a records management program
  • Records retention schedule
  • Why develop a records management program?
  • Policies and procedures

Issues in Managing Electronic Records

  • What is records retention schedule
  • Types of electronic records
  • Four essentials of electronic records (authenticity, reliability, integrity and usability)
  • Other electronic records management issues
  • ISO 15489 Records Management

Disposing of Data

  • Why destroys records?
  • Guidelines for document destruction
  • Disposing of electronic records
  • Methods of deleting records
  • Suspension of destruction

Special topics in electronic records

  • Digital Imaging

o Authority to digitize

o Digital imaging system planning

  • Issues in E-mail management

o Anatomy of an email

o Non business-related email

o Retaining email messages

o E-mail Policy

  • Managing Web-based Records

o Why worry about web records

o Records found on website

o Assessing risks

Electronic Records Preservation

  • Preservation challenges
  • Terminology
  • Technological obsolescence
  • Considerations for preservation
  • Long-term strategy
  • Evaluate preservation strategy
  • Electronic records disaster/recovery plan

Special considerations for working remotely

Q & A/ Plan for Action


Michael Cabatuando (ASPAC Privacy Compliance Head and Data Protection Officer at Johnson & Johnson)

Michael Cabatuando

ASPAC Privacy Compliance Head and Data Protection Officer at Johnson & Johnson

Sponsors and Partners

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Member Priceโ‚ฑ995

Non-member's rate

Standard Priceโ‚ฑ1,995