
  • Ms. Sally-Anne Pitt (Chair of the Global Board, 2023โ€“24 at The Institute of Internal Auditors)

    Ms. Sally-Anne Pitt

    Chair of the Global Board, 2023โ€“24 at The Institute of Internal Auditors

    Sally-Anne Pitt is the 2023–24 Chair of the Global Board of Directors of The Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) and has been a Director on the Global Board for the past five years.

    Sally-Anne established Pitt Group in 2003 to provide audit and assurance services to the public sector, civil society, and corporate organizations. She has 30 years of leadership experience in operational, service delivery, and consulting roles and is globally recognized as an expert in quality assurance.

    She is the author of Internal Audit Quality: Developing a Quality Assurance and Improvement Program. She has helped more than 100 organizations in various countries build their audit and assurance capabilities, including BHP, Telstra, the Australian Department of Defence, the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, Toyota Finance, and Services Australia.

    Sally-Anne is an excellent communicator with extensive experience in cross-cultural environments. She has facilitated numerous global training workshops with audit and assurance professionals and has presented at international conferences in Malaysia, Singapore, South Africa, Norway, the U.S., Australia, the U.K., Ghana, and the UAE.

    Sally-Anne is a Professional Fellow of the Institute of Internal Auditors - Australia, a Certified Internal Auditor (CIA), and a Certified Government Auditing Professional (CGAP). She has a Bachelor of Applied Science degree, a Master of Public Policy degree, and has completed post-graduate business studies at the Darden Business School, University of Virginia (U.S.).

    She is the Chair of the Tertiary Education Qualifications and Standards Authority (TEQSA) Audit and Risk Committee and, until 2022, was a member of the Lifeblood (Red Cross) Advisory Committee and Australian Bone Marrow Donor Registry Ethics Committee. She is a former Director of IIA-Australia, Chair of The IIA’s Global Professional Responsibility and Ethics Committee and has been a member of IIA global committees since 2008.

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  • Mr. Stefano Comotti (ONA Lead Director of the Global Board, 2023โ€“24 at The Institute of Internal Auditors)

    Mr. Stefano Comotti

    ONA Lead Director of the Global Board, 2023โ€“24 at The Institute of Internal Auditors

    Stefano Comotti is the 2023–24 Outside North America (ONA) Lead Director on the Global Board of Directors of The Institute of Internal Auditors (IIA) and Chief Audit Executive for Kering in Paris, France.

    Stefano has 30 years of expertise in audit, internal control, risk management, corporate governance, and finance. He has extensive experience in developing risk management methodology, restructuring audit departments, internal control self-assessment methodology, reporting, and social and environmental audits on the supply-chain.

    Before joining Kering, Stefano was Internal Audit Director for the Gucci Group and Vodafone Spain, and had an experience in public accounting with EY in Italy and in the US.Stefano is a Certified Internal Auditor (CIA) and holds a Certification in Risk Management Assurance (CRMA). He earned an Executive MBA from the IE Business School and a Bachelor degree in Business and Economics from Università degli Studi di Bergamo in Bergamo, Italy.

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07:30 - 08:15
08:15 - 08:30
Opening Ceremony
08:30 - 10:00
Elevating Internal Audit through a Robust QAIP for Greater Value
In today's complex and rapidly evolving business landscape, the role of internal audit in providing "objective assurance and consulting activity, to add value and to improve an organization'...
In today's complex and rapidly evolving business landscape, the role of internal audit in providing "objective assurance and consulting activity, to add value and to improve an organization's operations" has become even more significant and critical. In this session, the importance and value of establishing a robust Quality Assurance and Improvement Program (QAIP) will be highlighted. The fundamental pillars of a successful QAIP, including the practical tools to drive and deliver greater value to the organizations will be tackled. More importantly, some pointers on how to advocate QAIP for internal audit function’s greater value and secure the Board and Senior Management's buy-in will be provided.
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10:00 - 10:30
10:30 - 12:00
Practical and Effective Synergy for Risk Management, Compliance, Internal Audit and Other Control Functions for Enhanced Organizational Governance
In this session, the importance of synergy among risk management, compliance, internal audit and other control functions to achieve better and effective organizational governance will be dis...
In this session, the importance of synergy among risk management, compliance, internal audit and other control functions to achieve better and effective organizational governance will be discussed. The sound and practical approaches to harmonize these functions anchored on the three-lines model, purposive collaboration, and alignment towards common organizational goals will be highlighted. Likewise, the need for internal audit function to not only complement, but also assess objectively the other control functions will be emphasized.
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12:00 - 13:00
End of Pre-Con / Networking Luncheon




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