Focus & Features

Audit Analytics can be a very effective tool for Audit to protect and enhance organizational value if it leads to identifying and addressing critical risks and paving the way to creating enhanced risk mitigation processes. Essential to effective Audit Analytics is having the right data model and it is indispensable to determine the right measure of risks – key risk indicators.

This seminar presents simple and effective tools in identifying critical risks and determining key risk indicators. Participants will gain in-depth knowledge, and will broaden their ideas through open discussions, and sharing thus enabling them to effectively apply their learning.

What You Will Learn


Basic Concepts

  • Key Risk Indicator (KRI) Defined
  • KRI v.s. KPI
  • Elements of Effective KRI
  • Leading and Lagging KRI
  • Importance of KRI


  • 2010 – 1: Linking Audit Plan to Risks and Exposures
  • 2010 – 2: Using the Risk Management Process in Internal Audit Planning
  • 2120 – 3: Internal Audit Coverage of Risks to Achieving Strategic Objectives
  • 2320 – 1: Analytical Procedures

Evaluating Sources of Information

Establishing KRI Framework (Based on Audit Analytics Model)

  • KRI in Macro Analytics
  • KRI in Control Dimension
  • Workshop

Who Should Attend

This Seminar is ideal for all auditors.


Institute of Internal Auditors Philippines, Inc.
139 Corporate Center, Valero Street,
Makati City, Philippines

See route

Contact us

For additional event or venue information, please email training@iia-p.orgYou can also reach us at +63 940955118

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