Focus & Features:
As businesses focus more on core competencies, more and more companies have turned to outsourcing non-core functions to drive down operational costs. With the benefits of outsourcing comes the risks of lesser process control and the challenges of governance. The course is intended to provide a basic understanding of outsourcing trends and risks. It also aims to provide a general controls framework for approaching third party and governance organization audits including audit tools and techniques. It also includes a discussion of special considerations for commonly outsourced functions and activities. The course is targeted towards both auditors and non-auditors with third party governance responsibilities. The methodologies include a combination of lectures, case studies and group discussions to provide a comprehensive learning process.
What You Will Learn
The program will enable participants to learn and/or apply the following:
Background & Evolution of Outsourcing
Internal Audit Value to Outsourcing
Enterprise Outsourcing and Business Risk Assessment
Offshoring Risk Factors
Assurance Reliance on Others
Risk Identification Process
Outsourcing Contracts
Establishing Controls
The Audit Process
Special Topics