02:15 - 03:00PS1: Optimizing the Role of Internal Audit in Nation Building
*topic is subject to change without prior notice
03:00 - 03:45PS2: Embracing Disruptors
Disruptors secure a foothold even in the low end of the market due to innovations and new ideas which eventually improve the lives and answer the needs of the consumer. In this session, several disruptor leaders in the industry of retail, transportation, among others shall discuss their ideas & innovations which improved the lives and addressed the needs of the consuming public. In this session, internal auditors are able to widen their business acumen, update them with the current and emerging digital trends, and equip them of ideas on how to audit organizations considered as disruptors.
*topic is subject to change without prior notice
03:45 - 04:30Networking Break + PM Snack
04:30 - 05:15PS3: Revised Corporation Code: Challenges and Opportunities
"Republic Act 11232 or An Act Providing for the Revised Corporation Code of the Philippines was signed into law by President Rodrigo R. Duterte on February 20, 2019 and took effect on February 23, 2019. It amends the 38-year-old Corporation Code in an effort to improve the ease of doing business in the Philippines. Among others, the notable changes made in the revised corporation code are removal of the minimum number of incorporators, defined punishable offenses, minimum capital stock, corporate term, one-person corporation, corporate officers, nationality of a corporation and provisions that permit the electronic filing of reportorial requirements and attendance in meetings via remote communication or in absentia.
With these changes, challenges as well as opportunities knock in several aspects including corporate good governance, minority protection and fraud. Auditors should reach out with the stakeholders by performing relevant assurance and consulting activities and providing them recommendations in taking every opportunity to build a stronger corporation and how to embrace each challenge to upgrade further."
*topic is subject to change without prior notice
05:15 - 07:00Welcome Dinner
Day 2 (October 17, 2019)
08:30 - 09:00Recap and Announcements
09:00 - 09:45PS4: Data Science: Predicting in a World of Uncertainty
Since the ancient times, the art of uncovering the insights and trends in data has helped ancient Egyptians to increase their efficiency in tax collection and to predict flowing of the Nile river every year. In this session, the internal auditor will have a look a how data science practitioners are able to work with data to predict the unknown.
10:00 - 10:45Concurrent Session 1
• Auditing Family-Owned and Closed Corporations • Third-Party Risk Management • Fraud Trends: Threats from Emerging Markets • Upgrade: In Demand Skills Required from Internal Auditors
*topic is subject to change without prior notice
10:45 - 11:15AM Networking Break
11:15 - 12:00PS5: Embracing the Culture of Innovation
"In order to keep up with emerging risks, the IA function must be able to embrace a culture of innovation. IA must be involved in an environment which supports creative thinking, advances efforts to gain economic and social value from new knowledge. IA is now being challenged to not only recommend innovative ways of mitigating risks in connection with its audits, but also in generating its own new & improved services or processes.
For this topic, IA needs to learn how an organization develops and nurture a culture of innovation vis-à-vis retaining values & good governance."
*topic is subject to change without prior notice
12:00 - 12:30Group Picture Taking
12:30 - 13:45Lunch
13:45 - 14:15Ice Breaker Games
14:15 - 15:00PS6: Building Resilience in the Face of Uncertainty
15:00 - 16:00Concurrent Session 2
• Key Challenges in Internal Auditing and Effective IA Practices of Banks/FIs • Environmental, Social and Governance • Auditing Cybersecurity Governance • Coaching and Mentoring Tomorrows Auditor-Leaders
*topic is subject to change without prior notice
16:00 - 16:30PM Networking Break
16:30 - 17:30PS7: From Good to Great
*topic is subject to change without prior notice
Joey Reyes
Facilitator at Powerspeak
17:30 - 19:00Announcements / Free Time
19:00 - 21:00Award & Recognition night / Dinner
Day 3 (October 18, 2019)
08:30 - 09:00Recap and Announcements
09:00 - 09:45PS8: Digital IA and Agile Auditing
*topic is subject to change without prior notice
Norman Bucsit
Senior Solutions Consultant at Galvanize Asia Pacific
09:45 - 10:30PS9: Corporate Governance and Ethics Program Audit Techniques
Corporate governance exists to facilitate effective, prudent and effective management which can deliver long term sustainability to the organization and its stakeholders. This also serves as a system or framework by which organizations are led and controlled. Ethics, on the other hand, provides for the moral principles that govern a person's behavior or conduct of an activity. Individual ethics, collectively, can permeate the organization' culture and degree of governance. In this session, the internal auditor is expected to gain insights on governance and issues on ethics at the management level.
Frank Numann
Independent Governance and Anti Bribery Consultant
10:30 - 11:00Networking Break + AM snack
11:00 - 11:45PS10: Relieving Stress at Work with Short Meditations
Internal auditors usually work for long hours and stressors can be present in the work place and at home. Tight deadlines, volume of administrative tasks, reporting demands and managing business relationships at the same time, may lead to burn out. This session introduces the art of short meditations which may help relieving stress at work and this method may be applied anywhere.
*topic is subject to change without prior notice
Sara Black
11:45 - 13:00Lunch
13:00 - 13:45Concurrent Session 3
• Tricks of the Trade in Remote Auditing • Internal Auditing in Compliance with PFRS • Keep It Under Control: Money Laundering Risk • The Growth Mindset for Higher Achievement
*topic is subject to change without prior notice
13:45 - 14:45Concurrent Session 4
• Auditing Business Continuity Management • Demistifying Data Governance: Foundation for Growth and Control with Data • Shady Business: The Popularity of white Collar Crime • What Lies Ahead? Career Paths for Internal Auditors
*topic is subject to change without prior notice
14:45 - 15:30PM Networking Break
15:30 - 16:30PS11: Ikigai: Matching Your Life Purpose with Your Career
"Ikigai is the Japanese concept meaning ""reason for being"". Internal auditors, whilst battling for their role in the company, also try to match their life purpose and try to marry this purpose to their internal audit careers.
This session will help the internal auditor reflect and determine if the internal audit career as a profession can also be meaningful."